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Creating a Strong Brand Presence with Christina Lynch | Building a Strong Holistic Business Part 4: Branching Out Creating a Strong Brand Presence

Workshop Description: In this class, we will review strategies to establish a strong brand presence, ways to market your business, and how to utilize a marketing plan to attain projected financial goals. Pricing, sales tactics, the selling cycle, and customer service will be covered to ensure that the brand established aligns with the marketing practices implemented. 

Branching Out: Creating a Strong Brand Presence can be taken individually or as a part of the full 6-part series: Building a Strong Holistic Business, designed to inform and coach participants in developing a solid plan for their initiatives or businesses. This course builds an understanding of the nuances in major areas of planning and executing a business idea. Students dive deeper into operating current business(es), with the option to write a strategic business plan. 


Tuition: $40 / Early Bird: $30 through April 27, 2023   

Platform: Live via Zoom accessed through Student Portal All registrants will receive the course recording and handouts, with access to materials for one year. 

Instructor: Christina Lynch. 

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