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Bryanna Major

Social Impact Intern

Bryanna Major

Bryanna Major is a third-year senior at Florida State University pursuing a dual degree in Economics and Political Science with minors in Political Philosophy and Communications. She strives to work in the legal field and non-profit sectors in hopes of fostering meaningful change in underrepresented communities. As a first-generation Haitian immigrant, she aims to create an impact both in academics and within her community.
An avid learner, she strives to bridge the gap in resources and services from the skills and knowledge she has acquired from her personal, professional, and academic experiences. She currently serves as the fundraising chair for The Society of Black Female Future Attorneys and a mentor in the pre-law fraternity Phi Alpha Delta. She is also heavily involved in research. She had the opportunity to work as a research assistant for two research projects; and she is part of the editorial board for the Student Council for Undergraduate Research and Creativity where she helps students publish research papers for the University’s research journal, The Owl. To further her impact in this field, she works as a leader for UROP, The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, where she advises and teaches a cohort about the foundations of research and getting connected with research projects on campus. She recently had the honor of getting accepted into FSU’s Social Scholars Program, where she will follow an enriching curriculum that provides hands on experience on applied leadership and service.
In her free time, Bryanna enjoys roller skating, reading, writing, drawing, and watching films. She enjoys the outdoors and creating new experiences with friends and family. A traveler at heart, she aims to travel around the world and experience different cultures. She enjoys learning new skills and being challenged in ways that allow her to think creatively and critically.

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